Talks & EVENTS

Talks & Presentations

European Population Conference, Edinburgh, June 2024: Discrete-Time Multistate Models: Estimation, Inference, Properties. 

REVES Meeting, Bogotá, May 2024: Discrete-time multistate models and the Markov assumption. 

REVES Meeting, Bogotá, May 2024: "dtms" - discrete-time multistate models in R.

UN Population Division brown-bag seminar: Estimating male fertility – methods, improvements and limitations, New York, November 2023 (invited): Male fertility in high-income countries.

MaxHel kick-off meeting, Helsinki, October 2023: Longitudinal models for population health research.

SLLS Annual Conference "Life Courses in Times of Uncertainty", Munich, 2023: Discrete-time multistate modeling for life course analysis.

BIOSFER kick-off workshop, Rostock, 2023: FReDA, its collaboration with BIOSFER, and fecundity knowledge. 

IHK Rostock, Ausschuss Maritime Wirtschaft, 2023 (invited): Demografischer Wandel und Arbeitskräftemangel. 

XX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Melbourne, 2023: Discrete-time multistate modeling for life course analysis.

FB3 Kolloquium, Federal Institute for Population Research, Wiesbaden, 2023 (invited): Discrete-time multistate modeling for demographic research.

Advanced Techniques for Longitudinal Data Analysis in Social Science, Bielefeld, 2023: Discrete-time multistate modeling for life course analysis.

European Population Conference, Groningen, 2022: Combining a two-sex model of births with decomposition methods to explain changing fertility patterns. 

Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Atlanta, 2022: Combining a two-sex model of births with decomposition methods to explain changing fertility patterns. 

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Demographie Jahrestagung, online, 2022: Male-female fertility differentials across 17 high-income countries.

2nd International Research Webinar on Working Life Expectancy, Helsinki, 2021 (invited): Extending working life in Germany – A cohort perspective on inequalities in the length of working life.

European Sociological Association 2021 conference, Barcelona, 2021: Extending working life in Germany – A cohort perspective on inequalities in the length of working life.

International Sociological Association RC28 Spring Meeting, Turku, 2021: Extending working life in Germany – A cohort perspective on inequalities in the length of working life.

Wittgenstein Centre Colloquium, Vienna, 2020 (invited): An indirect estimation method for thetotal number of COVID-19 infections.

CRES seminar, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, 2019 (invited): Pension adequacy standards: Consumption, well-being, and health before and after retirement.

DGS-Herbsttagung "Soziale Ungleichheit, Individualisierung, Lebenslauf", Rostock, 2019: Die Länge des Erwerbslebens in Deutschland: Akkumulierte (Un)gleichheiten am Arbeitsmarkt.

Finnish Institute for Occupational Health, Helsinki, 2019 (invited): The length of working life in the U.S. - Trends, inequalities, causes.

Nordic Demographic Symposium, Reykjavik, 2019: Remarkable regularities in the association of maternal and paternal ages at childbirth: evidence from 15 high-income countries.

BMBF-Forum International „The Future of Work“, Berlin, 2019.

Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Austin, 2019: Remarkable regularities in the association of maternal and paternal ages at childbirth: evidence from 15 high-income countries.

Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Austin, 2019: Cohort trends in working life expectancies in the US: a register-based study using Social Security Administration data.

Federal Institute for Population Research, Wiesbaden, 2018 (invited): The length of working life: Methods, trends, and determinants.

Postponement of Parenthood Conference, Menaggio, 2018: A comparative perspective on male fertility in 17 high-income countries.

European Population Conference, Brussels, 2018: A Comparative Perspective on Male Fertility in Eleven High-Income Countries.

Institute for Fiscal Studies, London, 2018 (invited): Pension adequacy standards: Empirical estimates for the United States, England, and Germany.

Center for Population Change, University of Southampton, 2018 (invited): Pension adequacy standards: Empirical estimates for the United States, England, and Germany.

Population and Health Research Seminar, University of St. Andrews, 2018 (invited): Male fertility in high-income countries: Data, methods, and trends.

Nuffeld College, University of Oxford, 2018 (invited): Macro-level trends in male fertility. 

Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Denver, 2018: A comparative perspective on male fertility in eleven high income countries. (poster session winner)

Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Denver, 2018: Estimating the number of disability episodes using Markov chains with rewards.

ALPHA Seminar Series, London School of Economics and Political Science, 2018 (invited): Trends in male fertility in 14 high-income countries.

International Population Conference, Cape Town, 2017: Bias in disabled life expectancy.

International Population Conference, Cape Town, 2017: Estimating male fertility from vital registration data with missing values.

German Statistical Association Annual Meeting, Rostock, 2017: Distributions of waiting times in homogeneous finite-state, discrete-time Markov chains.

Nordic Demographic Symposium, Turku, 2017: Estimating male fertility from vital registration data with missing values.

Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Chicago, 2017: A Lost Generation? The Financial Crisis and the Length of Working Life in Spain.

Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Chicago, 2017: Estimating Male Fertility: Towards a Comparative Approach.

European Population Conference, Mainz, 2016: Recent trends in U.S. working life expectancy by sex, education, and race and the impact of the Great Recession.

International Sociological Association Forum, Vienna, 2016: Recent Trends in US Working Life Expectancy at Age 50.

Human Fertility Database Symposium, Berlin, 2016: Male fertility in eastern and western Germany since 1991.

Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., 2016: Recent Trends in US Working Life Expectancy by Gender, Education, and Race and the Impact of the Great Recession.

Forschungskolloquium Freie Berufe, Mittelstand und empirische Wirtschaftsforschung, University of Lüneburg, 2014 (invited): Lebensstandard und Rente.

German Statistical Association Annual Meeting, Berlin, 2013: Lebensstandardsicherung im Alter. Empirische Schätzung des lebensstandardsichernden Rentenniveaus mit Daten des Sozio-ökonomischen Panels.

German Statistical Association Annual Meeting, Vienna, 2012: Vorausberechnung linearer Verwandtschaft mit Anwendungen auf die geteilte Lebenszeit von Generationen und verwandtschaftliche Unterstützungspotenziale.


I have organized the following workshops:

In addition, I have organized, chaired, and served as a discussant for several conference sessions.